in package
This class attempts to find alignment patterns in a QR Code. Alignment patterns look like finder patterns but are smaller and appear at regular intervals throughout the image.
At the moment this only looks for the bottom-right alignment pattern.
This is mostly a simplified copy of FinderPatternFinder. It is copied, pasted and stripped down here for maximum performance but does unfortunately duplicate some code.
This class is thread-safe but not reentrant. Each thread must allocate its own object.
Table of Contents
- $matrix : BitMatrix
- $moduleSize : float
- $possibleCenters : array<string|int, AlignmentPattern>
- __construct() : mixed
- Creates a finder that will look in a portion of the whole image.
- find() : AlignmentPattern|null
- This method attempts to find the bottom-right alignment pattern in the image. It is a bit messy since it's pretty performance-critical and so is written to be fast foremost.
- centerFromEnd() : float
- Given a count of black/white/black pixels just seen and an end position, figures the location of the center of this black/white/black run.
- crossCheckVertical() : float|null
- After a horizontal scan finds a potential alignment pattern, this method "cross-checks" by scanning down vertically through the center of the possible alignment pattern to see if the same proportion is detected.
- foundPatternCross() : bool
- handlePossibleCenter() : AlignmentPattern|null
- This is called when a horizontal scan finds a possible alignment pattern. It will cross-check with a vertical scan, and if successful, will see if this pattern had been found on a previous horizontal scan. If so, we consider it confirmed and conclude we have found the alignment pattern.
array<string|int, AlignmentPattern>
Creates a finder that will look in a portion of the whole image.
__construct(BitMatrix $matrix, float $moduleSize) : mixed
- $matrix : BitMatrix
image to search
- $moduleSize : float
estimated module size so far
This method attempts to find the bottom-right alignment pattern in the image. It is a bit messy since it's pretty performance-critical and so is written to be fast foremost.
find(int $startX, int $startY, int $width, int $height) : AlignmentPattern|null
- $startX : int
left column from which to start searching
- $startY : int
top row from which to start searching
- $width : int
width of region to search
- $height : int
height of region to search
Return values
Given a count of black/white/black pixels just seen and an end position, figures the location of the center of this black/white/black run.
centerFromEnd(array<string|int, int> $stateCount, int $end) : float
- $stateCount : array<string|int, int>
- $end : int
Return values
After a horizontal scan finds a potential alignment pattern, this method "cross-checks" by scanning down vertically through the center of the possible alignment pattern to see if the same proportion is detected.
crossCheckVertical(int $startI, int $centerJ, int $maxCount, int $originalStateCountTotal) : float|null
$startI row where an alignment pattern was detected $centerJ center of the section that appears to cross an alignment pattern $maxCount maximum reasonable number of modules that should be observed in any reading state, based on the results of the horizontal scan
returns vertical center of alignment pattern, or null if not found
- $startI : int
- $centerJ : int
- $maxCount : int
- $originalStateCountTotal : int
Return values
foundPatternCross(array<string|int, int> $stateCount) : bool
- $stateCount : array<string|int, int>
count of black/white/black pixels just read
Return values
bool —true if the proportions of the counts is close enough to the 1/1/1 ratios used by alignment patterns to be considered a match
This is called when a horizontal scan finds a possible alignment pattern. It will cross-check with a vertical scan, and if successful, will see if this pattern had been found on a previous horizontal scan. If so, we consider it confirmed and conclude we have found the alignment pattern.
handlePossibleCenter(array<string|int, int> $stateCount, int $i, int $j) : AlignmentPattern|null
- $stateCount : array<string|int, int>
reading state module counts from horizontal scan
- $i : int
row where alignment pattern may be found
- $j : int
end of possible alignment pattern in row
Return values
AlignmentPattern|null —if we have found the same pattern twice, or null if not