Table of Contents
- ClientCredentials
- Indicates whether the provider is capable of the OAuth2 client credentials authentication flow.
- CSRFToken
- Specifies the methods required for the OAuth2 CSRF token validation ("state parameter")
- OAuth1Interface
- Specifies the basic methods for an OAuth1 provider.
- OAuth2Interface
- Specifies the basic methods for an OAuth2 provider.
- OAuthInterface
- Specifies the basic methods for an OAuth provider.
- Specifies the methods required for the OAuth2 Pushed Authorization Requests (PAR)
- Specifies the methods required for the OAuth2 Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
- TokenInvalidate
- Indicates whether the provider is capable of invalidating access tokens (RFC-7009 or proprietary)
- TokenRefresh
- Indicates whether the provider is capable of the OAuth2 token refresh.
- UserInfo
- Indicates whether the service can provide information about the currently authenticated user,
usually via a "/me", "/user" or "/tokeninfo" endpoint.
- AccessToken
- Access token implementation for any OAuth version.
- AuthenticatedUser
- A simple read-only container for user data responses
- CSRFStateMismatchException
- Thrown on mismatching CSRF ("state") token
- InvalidAccessTokenException
- Thrown when an access token is expired and cannot be refreshed
- OAuth1Provider
- Implements an abstract OAuth1 (1.0a) provider with all methods required by the OAuth1Interface.
- OAuth2Provider
- Implements an abstract OAuth2 provider with all methods required by the OAuth2Interface.
- OAuthProvider
- Implements an abstract OAuth provider with all methods required by the OAuthInterface.
- UnauthorizedAccessException
- Thrown on generic "Unauthorized" HTTP errors: 400, 401, 403
- Utilities
- Common utilities for use with the OAuth providers
- ClientCredentialsTrait
- Implements Client Credentials functionality
- PARTrait
- Implements PAR (Pushed Authorization Requests) functionality
- PKCETrait
- Implements PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) functionality
- TokenInvalidateTrait
- Implements token invalidation functionality