* @created 11.07.2022
* @author smiley <smiley@chillerlan.net>
* @copyright 2022 smiley
* @license MIT
import QROutputAbstract from './QROutputAbstract.js';
import PHPJS from '../Common/PHPJS.js';
import {LAYERNAMES} from '../Common/constants.js';
* Converts the matrix data into string types
export default class QRStringJSON extends QROutputAbstract{
* @inheritDoc
mimeType = 'application/json';
* the json schema
* @type {string}
* @protected
schema = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chillerlan/php-qrcode/main/src/Output/qrcode.schema.json';
* @inheritDoc
let [width, height] = this.getOutputDimensions();
let version = this.matrix.getVersion();
let dimension = version.getDimension();
let $json = {
$schema: this.schema,
qrcode: {
version: version.getVersionNumber(),
eccLevel: this.matrix.getEccLevel().toString(),
matrix: {
size: dimension,
quietzoneSize: PHPJS.intval((this.moduleCount - dimension) / 2),
maskPattern: this.matrix.getMaskPattern().getPattern(),
width: width,
height: height,
rows: [],
let matrix = this.matrix.getMatrix();
for(let y in matrix){
let matrixRow = this.row(y, matrix[y]);
if(matrixRow !== null){
let $data = JSON.stringify($json);
this.saveToFile($data, $file);
return $data;
* Creates an array element for a matrix row
* @returns {*}
* @protected
row($y, $row){
let matrixRow = {y: $y, modules: []};
for(let x in $row){
let module = this.module(x, $y, $row[x]);
if(module !== null){
return matrixRow;
// skip empty rows
return null;
* Creates an array element for a single module
* @returns {*}
* @protected
module($x, $y, $M_TYPE){
let isDark = this.matrix.isDark($M_TYPE);
if(!this.options.drawLightModules && !isDark){
return null;
return {
x: $x,
dark: isDark,
layer: (LAYERNAMES[$M_TYPE] ?? ''),
value: this.getModuleValue($M_TYPE),