Source: Data/QRDataModeInterface.js

 * @created      14.07.2022
 * @author       smiley <>
 * @copyright    2022 smiley
 * @license      MIT

 * @interface
export default class QRDataModeInterface{

	 * returns the current data mode constant
	 * @inheritDoc
	 * @returns {number|int}
	 * @abstract

	 * retruns the length in bits of the data string
	 * @returns {number|int}
	 * @abstract

	 * writes the actual data string to the BitBuffer, uses the given version to determine the length bits
	 * @see QRData::writeBitBuffer()
	 * @param {BitBuffer} $bitBuffer
	 * @param {number|int} $versionNumber
	 * @returns {void}
	 * @abstract
	write($bitBuffer, $versionNumber){}

	 * checks if the given string qualifies for the encoder module
	 * @param {string} $string
	 * @returns {boolean}
	 * @abstract
	static validateString($string){}
